Monday, April 15, 2013

Study English IELTS Preparation series 2 video lesson - episode 03

Prepare for IELTS using Study English IELTS Preparation series 2. Links to comprehensive Activity Sheet, Study Notes and the transcript are provided for free download.

Watch the video on You Tube here.

Download the Activity Sheet
Download the Study Notes
Download the Transcript

These documents are in PDF format. You need Adobe Reader to open them.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Study English IELTS Preparation series 2 Video Lesson - Episode 02

Prepare for IELTS using Study English IELTS Preparation series 2. Links to comprehensive Activity Sheet, Study Notes and the transcript are provided for free download.

Watch the video on You Tube here.

Download the Activity Sheet
Download the Study Notes
Download the Transcript

These documents are in PDF format. You need Adobe Reader to open the book.

Study English IELTS Preparation series 2 Video Lesson - Episode 01

Prepare for IELTS using Study English IELTS Preparation series 2. Links to comprehensive Activity Sheet, Study Notes and the transcript are provided for free download.

Download the Activity Sheet
Download the Study Notes
Download the Transcript

These documents are in PDF format. You need Adobe Reader to open the book.

Friday, April 12, 2013

501 Writing Prompts

This book on 501 writing prompts helps learners to write effectively. The writing prompts are categorized under
- Persuasive
- Expository
- Narrative
- Literary Response

Right click on the following link and click “Save Target As ..”
Download the eBook (size: 449KB)
This eBook is in PDF format.
You need Adobe Reader to open the book.

The Cambridge Guide to Australian English Usage

An excellent reference material on Australian English words categorized in alphabetical order.

Right click on the following link and click “Save Target As ..”
Download the eBook (size: 3.28MB)
This eBook is in PDF format. You need Adobe Reader to open the book.

Natural English Teacher Training Pack

This 359 page giant ebook is a collection of hundreds of teacher training development resources and internet lesson plans. Just photocopy and use them in your class.

Right click on the following link and click “Save Target As ..”
Download the eBook (size: 3.38MB) This eBook is in PDF format. You need Adobe Reader to open the book.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Helpful Phrases:

I don’t want to
I don't want to talk about movies anymore. What are the plans for tonight?
It has just crossed my mind
It has just crossed my mind that Billy won't be able to come.
Changing subject
Changing subject, did you see Dulcy yesterday?
Before I forget
Before I forget, how did Jack and Elena get on?
We've had enough
We've had enough of you talking about furniture. What's the next point?


Helpful Phrases:

By the way
By the way, it rained quite a bit yesterday.
Can we move onto?
Can we move onto our plans for renovations?
To bring up something else
To bring up something else, Maxwell came to the office yesterday.
Now is time to
Now is the right time to talk about our new website.
There’s another issue we have to deal with
There's another issue we have to deal with – losses in the sales.


Helpful Phrases:

Incidentally, may I mention that?
Incidentally, may I mention that CDB called today?
An alternative to consider
An alternative point to consider is the effect of this decision on our brand.
While we are on the subject
While we are on the subject, I'd like to inform you that Jo is ill today.
On quite another matter
On quite another matter, battery life is still a major concern.
Could we now deal with?
Could we now deal with our plans for the Delhi project?


Helpful Phrases:

Shall we proceed onto the next point?
Shall we proceed onto the next point? There are ten items on the agenda.
We need to solve it today
We do need to solve it today.
Let's move on
Let's move on. We got no time to waste.
I don’t have all morning
I don't have all morning. Make up your minds now!
Hurry up
Hurry up please. We can't waste more time on this.

--- How to download ebooks ---

1. Click on either the title or the "Read More" button of the post.

2. Right click on the "Download the ebook" link and select "Save targert as .. / Save link as .."

3. Choose the location to save and click save.

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