Thursday, October 25, 2012

Speak English Like an American

If you already speak English, but now would like to start speaking even better, then the bestselling book Speak English Like an American is for you.
This is designed to help native speakers of any language speak better English. Over 300 of the most-used American English idioms and phrases are presented in engaging dialogue, with plenty of usage examples, illustrations, and lots of exercises -- with convenient answer key -- to help you learn the material.
Ideal for self-study as well as for ESL classroom use. A fun and effective way to improve your conversational English!

Right click on the following link and click “Save Target As ..”
Download the eBook (size: 4.21MB)
This eBook is in PDF format. You need Adobe Reader to open the book. To download Adobe Reader (it’s free) click here.

1 comments so far

Do you actually have the rights to publish all of these for free? These are wonderful resources, but I don't want to refer my students to a site that shortchanges authors.


--- How to download ebooks ---

1. Click on either the title or the "Read More" button of the post.

2. Right click on the "Download the ebook" link and select "Save targert as .. / Save link as .."

3. Choose the location to save and click save.

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